Finite Control Volume – Conservation of Energy   (continued)


Energy Equation


{ [ u2 + p2/ρ +  ½ V22  +  gz2 ]- [ u1 + p1/ρ +  ½ V12  +  gz1 ] }dm/dt  = 

                                                                                              dQ/dt net in + dW/dtshaft net in                                                                                                                




  • Steady flow
  • Uniform flow
  • Incompressible
  • One stream entering and one stream exiting


For a pump the net work in is positive.


For a turbine the net work in is negative.


If there is no change in the internal energy, u, then


{ [ p2/ρ +  ½ V22  +  gz2 ] - [ p1/ρ +  ½ V12  +  gz1 ] }dm/dt  =  dQ/dt net in + dW/dtshaft net


Note:  Each term is in energy per unit time.  i.e.  ft lb/sec or Nm/sec


 [ p2/ρ +  ½ V22  +  gz2 ] - [ p1/ρ +  ½ V12  +  gz1 ]   =  [dQ/dt net in + dW/dtshaft net in] /dm/dt


Note:  Each term is in energy per unit mass.  i.e.  ft lb/slug or Nm / kg


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