Kinetics – Constrained Motion of a Particle in a Plane      (continued)            


Step 5A:  Calculation of the accelerations


Use  (6)         d2x/dt2  =   [ v dv/dt ˗  (dy/dt)(d2y/dt2) ] / (dx/dt)             to  find the x ˗ component

of acceleration.                                                         


with given data:    y(x),  v(t),  and  dv(t)/dt



Use  (2)      d2y/dt2  =  ˗ Ab2 sin bx) (dx/dt)2  +  Abcos bx (d2x/dt2)  along with (6)


   d2x/dt2  =   [ v dv/dt ˗  (dy/dt)(d2y/dt2) ] / (dx/dt     to find the y-component of acceleration.


with given data:    y(x),  v(t),  and  dv(t)/dt



Step 5B:  Calculation of the forces acting on the particle


Apply            Fx  =  m(d2x/dt2)     and        Fy  ˗  mg  =  m(d2y/dt2)


to find the components of force on the particle after first finding the components of acceleration


from Step 5A          d2x/dt2    and     d2y/dt2


The given data is as follows:       y(x),  v(t),  dv/dt ,  m,  and  g



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