Calculation of Pressure Forces on Submerged Rectangular Plates    (continued)

Case 3:  Calculation of Pressure Forces on a Vertical submerged plate


The magnitude of the pressure force equals the  pressure at the centroid of the plate times the area

of the plate.  Let  γ  be the specific weight of the fluid.  In this case the pressure at the centroid of the plate is  

γ ( d + h ) .   Let w be the width of the plate (into the paper).  So the total pressure force Fr on the plate is 

[ γ ( d + h ) ] (2hw).


The location of the pressure force is at the “centroid” of the pressure prism, which in this case is a trapezoid. 

An alternate approach is to break the trapezoidal pressure distribution into two parts.  The first part is a uniform pressure distribution of  γd and a triangular distribution starting from zero and increasing to γ (2h).  See the

figure below.



F1 = γ d ( 2hw )   and  F2  =  γ h ( 2hw )   The location of  each individual pressure force acts at the “centroid” of

its pressure prism.  So F1 acts at the centroid of the rectangle.  F2 acts at the centroid of the triangle.


Notice, the strategy in each case to calculate the resultant pressure force on a plate submerged in a fluid is the same.  The same strategy applies to a “slanted” plate submerged in a fluid.

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