Calculation of Pressure Forces on Submerged Rectangular Plates    (continued)


Case 4:  Calculation of Pressure Forces on a submerged Slanted plate


The magnitude of the pressure force equals the  pressure at the centroid of the plate times the area

of the plate.  Let  γ  be the specific weight of the fluid.  Then the pressure at the centroid of the plate is  

γ (d + h cos α ).  Let w be the width of the plate (into the paper).  So the total pressure force Fr on the plate is  [ γ ( d + h cos α ) ] (2hw).  Again, the location of the pressure force, Fr is at the “centroid” of the pressure prism at a depth of   d +  [ sbar ] cos α .


As before, an alternate approach is to break the trapezoidal pressure distribution into two parts.  The

first part is a uniform pressure distribution of  γd and a triangular distribution starting from zero and increasing to γ (2h) cos α.  See the figure below.

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