Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow  (continued)


Special Case of Fluid motion in the xy-plane    (continued)


Streamlines are lines in the flow field that are everywhere tangent to the fluid velocities.

So along each streamline the value of  ψ  is a constant.  Since flow never crosses

streamlines, the difference in the values of  ψ  between adjacent streamlines equals

the volume rate of flow per unit width,  q1  and  q2   between streamlines.

See the figure below for streamlines   ψ  =  ψ1,   ψ  =  ψ2,  and  ψ  =  ψ3







Assume  ψ1  >  ψ2  .    Then q1 as shown and  q1  =  ψ1  -  ψ2  


Assume  ψ2  >  ψ3  .    Then q2 as shown and  q1  =  ψ2  -  ψ3  


For the case where   ψ1  <  ψ2  ,  then  q1  =  ψ2  -  ψ1   in the flow is in the opposite direction


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