Open Channel Flow   Gradually Varying Flow  (continued)



Next consider a rectangular channel as shown in the figure below with width, w, and liquid depth, y.




The table below summarizes the flow characteristics for Fr <1 (subcritical), Fr =1 (critical)

and Fr > 1 (supercritical) for a rectangular channel.  Define  q  =  Q/w   where Q is the

flow rate.












Depth of Flow



          y > yc


    y = yc = (q2/g)1/3


        y < yc


Velocity of Flow



         V < Vc


    V = Vc = √gy


        V > Vc


Slope for

Uniform Flow



    Mild Slope

        So < Sc


   Critical Slope

      So = Sc


    Steep Slope

      So > Sc


Froude Number



        Fr < 1.0


        Fr = 1.0


        Fr > 1.0





Will propagate upstream


Will hold fast


Will form standing wave


Other Feature



       V2/2g < ½ y


      V2/2g = ½ y


       V2/2g > ½ y


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