Open Channel Flow   Gradually Varying Flow  (continued)


Specific Energy Plot for Open Channel Flow






Find the minimum value for E by differentiation of    E = y + q2/2gy2  .


       dE/dy  =  1 - q2/gy3  =  0      So  yc  =  ( q2/g) 1/3   Put  yc  into E to obtain min E.


              Emin = yc + yc3/2yc2  =  (3/2) yc


Recall   V =  q/y.  So for the critical velocity,    Vc = q/yc  


But  q2  =  yc3 g  So   q =  √ (yc3 g)  and therefore


                Vc = q/yc   =  gyc     Recall   Fr = V/√gy 


So the result is that at Emin the Froude Number,     Fr = 1 .



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