Open Channel Flow  Gradually Varied Flow     (continued)                 


Conclusions based on the Specific Energy Plot for Open Channel Flow of a rectangular
channel are detailed in the following table.





Any flow condition



Flow rate at a certain depth is completely specified by
 any two of the variables  y, q, V, and E except the

combination  q and E, which yields, in general, two

alternate depths



For any value of specific energy, E



For any value of   E  there exists a critical depth for

which the flow is a maximum.  yc = 2/3 Emin



For any value of  q



For any value of   q  there exists a critical depth for which the specific energy is a minimum.   yc = (q2/g)1/3



When flow occurs at the critical depth



When flow occurs at the critical depth the velocity head

is one-half the depth.      Vc2/2g  =  ½ yc





For any flow condition other than critical



For any flow condition, other than critical, there exists an alternate depth at which the same flowrate is carried by the same specific energy.  The alternate depth may be found by extending a vertical line to the alternate limb on the specific energy diagram.





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