Summary for Open Channel Flow  (continued)


Type 3   (Rectangular channels only)   w = width of channel



For Hydraulic Jumps - apply conservation of mass, of linear momentum, and of energy


Conservation of Mass:                                             w y1 V1  =  w y2  V2   =  Q


Conservation of Linear Momentum:    F1  ˗  F2  =  ρ Q (V2  ˗  V1 )  ,  F1 and F2 are pressure forces


which can be expressed as:                       y12/2  ˗   y22/2  =  V1y1(V2 ˗ V1)/g


Conservation of Energy:                         y1 + V12/2g  =  y2 + V22/2g + hL  



The combination of conservation of mass and of linear momentum gives information about

the ratio of the depth following the hydraulic jump (y2) to that leading into the jump (y1).



                              (y2/y1)  =  [√ ( 1 + 8 Fr12)  ˗  1]/2 


                              (y1/y2)  =  [√ ( 1 + 8 Fr22) ˗  1] /2



The energy equation yields the energy loss (head loss due to turbulent mixing)  across the

 hydraulic jump, hL .  



             hL / y1   =   Fr12/2  [ 1 – (y1/y2)2] + [1– (y2/ y1)]



where    Fr1  =  upstream Froude Number  =  V12 / 2g y1      and   Fr2 =    V22 / 2g y2


Finally, construct a specific energy plot to illustrate the hydraulic jump process.


Specific Energy  =  E    E = y + q2 / 2gy2    where  q = Q/w  =  Vy    Click here for a plot.


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