Summary -Important Principles (Work and Energy)


Integration of Euler’s first law

Σ F = m aC

Euler’s First Law

with respect to displacement yields




∫ Σ F dr =  ½ m (vc2)2  -  ½ m (vc1)2




Integration of Euler’s second law

Σ MC = ICzz α

Euler’s Second Law

with respect to displacement yields




∫ Σ MC dθ =  ½ ICzz (ω2)2  -  ½ ICzz (ω1)2




note:  C  refers to the center of mass of the body


W1-2  =  T2  -  T1

Principle of Work/Energy


             Total work done equals total change in kinetic energy of system.


W1-2 = the work by all forces and moments acting on the body or bodies that actually

           do work on the body or bodies from position 1 to  position 2

 T2  =  the total kinetic energy of the body or bodies in position 2

 T1  =  the total kinetic energy of the body or bodies in position 1


Total Work:                    2                    2

                        W1-2    =    ∫ Σ F dr  +  ∫ Σ MC dθ  =  work by forces + work by moments

                                        1                    1


Total Kinetic Energy:      T  =  ½ mvc2  + ½ Iczz ω2     (ft lb or N m)



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