Mohr’s Circle – Stress                                 Click here for another example.


Example:  (continued)  So from Mohr’s Circle (shown below)   σ1  =  σC + 5  = 10 ksi, 

σ2  =  0 ksi,  τmax = 5 ksi



Next show the element properly oriented with principal stresses, σ1  and   σ2   by rotating

the element θ degrees counterclockwise.  Recall  = 36.9o  so  θ = 18.45o . See the

figure below showing the proper orientation of the element on which the principal stresses

act.  (result)                                                                               



Finally rotate face A of the element 26.56o clockwise (A to E on Mohr’s Circle).  The

figure below shows the proper orientation of the element with the maximum shear

stresses and corresponding normal stresses.   (result)




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