Structures under Combined Loading

Example:  (continued)

For element A :     σ  =   (Mz)c/I  + R/A  =   (1500)(0.95)/(0.3) + 150/0.8  =  4938 psi

                             t = (Mx)r/ J  =  (2000)(0.95)/(0.6)  =  3167 psi


The figures below show the element at A with faces C and D acted on by normal and

shearing components of stress.  Plot these stresses to form Mohr’s Circle, also shown



The center is at  (4938 + 0)/2 =  (2469, 0 ) . 


The radius is  √ ( 2469)2 + (3167)2   =  4016 psi


So the maximum normal stress is  2469 + 4016  =  6485  psi      (result)





In this case the “maximum” normal stress is tensile.


Click here to continue with calculation of the principle stresses for element B.

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