Angular Impulse/Momentum for Rigid Bodies in a Plane    (example continued)






Use Principle of Work and Energy to calculate the angular speed just prior to impact.  The dotted representation of the bat designates position 1 where the bat starts from rest, ω1 = 0.  The solid representation of the bat designates position 2 where the bat is about to strike the baseball.  In position 2,  θ = π/6 radians (30o).  Thus the bat swings thru a total arc of 2π/3 radians to the point of impact.



W1-2  =  T2  -  T1

Principle of Work/Energy




The work done on the bat, W1-2, =  Mo∆θ =  Mo(θ+π/2)  =  2π/3 Mo



The change in kinetic energy, T1-2, = ½ IzzO ω22 – ω12 =   ½ (1/3 ML2) ω22  =  (1/6) (ML2) ω22 



Set work equal to change in KE:           2π/3 Mo  = (1/6) (ML2) ω22    or   ω22   =  4π Mo /  ML2



So     ω2  = √ [  4π Mo /  ML2 ]    for the data:  Mo = 50 ft lb,  M = (32/16g)  slugs,  L = 3 ft


  The result is the angular speed just prior to impact                 ω2  =  33.5 rad/sec



To analyze the situation at impact construct a free body diagram showing the impulsive forces acting on the bat and on the ball.


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