Linear Impulse and Momentum   (impact)  (example continued)






The coefficient of restitution, e, relates normal velocities before and after impact.


i.e.  e  =  ˗  the relative velocity after impact divided by the relative before impact.



So   in this example     e  =  ˗  (vBfx    vPfx ) / (vo    vPix ) =  ˗ (vBfx    vPfx ) / vo


or               vBfx  ˗  vPfx   = ˗ e vo       (since      vPix  is zero)                                           (5)           



and combine this with     M vBfx  ˗  M vo  +  m vPfx    =  0                                            (3)


yields 2 equations in 2 unknowns,     vBfx   and    vPfx  


   By (3)       vBfx  ˗  vo  +  (m/M) vPfx    =  0      or   - vBfx  + vo ˗ (m/M) vPfx    =  0    add to (5)


              vo   ˗   vPfx  ˗  (m/M) vPfx   =  ˗ e vo          





     vPfx  =  ( 1 + e ) vo / ( 1 + m/M )  =  (1 + 0.7) 5 / (1 + 0.025/0.5) =  8.095 ft/sec



Now use (5)  vBfx  =   vPfx  ˗ e vo  =  8.095 ˗ (0.7)5  =  4.595 ft/sec



   vBf  =  4.595 i  +  2.5 j  ft/sec    vPf  =  8.095 i ft/sec            (result)



Click here for another example involving impact as well as work and energy.



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