Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams using Relations between Shear

and Bending Moment


*Example:  (continued)




Strategy:   dM/dx = V(x) establishes the slope of the moment diagram.  Also note that the area under the shear diagram is  M(x) =∫ V(x) dx .  So the area under the shear diagram represents the change in the bending moment along the beam.


In this example the bending moment at x = 0 is zero.  From the shear diagram the slope

Starts out at  + 3wL/8, decreases to zero at some value of x < L/2.  For  0 ≤ x ≤ L/2
dV/dx = ˗ w so  V(x) = ˗ wx + C.  At  x = 0 , V(0) = 3wL/8.  So  C  =  3wL/8.
Thus for 0 ≤ x ≤ L/2  V(x) = ˗ wx + 3wL/8  and at  x = L/2,  V(L/2) = ˗ wL/8.  Next use
similar triangles, ABE and CDE, to determine the location on the beam where the shear force
is zero.



So   (3wL/8) / (L/2 ˗ x)  =  (wL/8) / x .   Solve for x.   x = (1/8) L .  Thus the shear force

is zero at  x = (3/8) L and the slope of the moment, dM/dx = V = 0 at this location.


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