Bending Members (Beams)


Example:  (continued)


Next determine the location of the centroid of the entire X-section shown below using the

principle of first moments namely the moment of the sum equals the sum of the moments.

See the figure below (NA denotes the neutral axis passing through the centroid. 



Moment of sum =  (bh + bh)(D)


Sum of moments =  (bh)(h/2) + (bh)(h + b/2)


Therefore    D =  h/4 + h/2 + b/4  =  3h/4 + b/4  =  3(80)/4 + 20/4  =  65 mm  =  0.065 m


So the distance from the y-coordinate of the centroid to the top fiber is


                                 Ctop =   ( h + b) –  D  =  (80+20)   65  =  35 mm


and the distance from the y-coordinate of the centroid to the bottom fiber is


                                 Cbottom  =  D  =   65 mm 


So  σtop  =  M Ctop / IzNA      and       σbottom = M Cbottom / IzNA


where    IzNA    is the moment of inertia of the composite area about its neutral axis.


So calculate the moment of inertia for each part (1 and 2) about their centroidal axes,

transfer them to the centroidal axis of the composite section, and add them together

to get the total moment of inertia  IzNA .


Click here to continue this example.                       


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