Finite Volume Analysis:   Application of Conservation of Linear Momentum   


Example 1  (continued)      The figure (Step 1 in strategy) below shows the control volume, control surface, uniform pressures at sections 1 and 2, uniform velocity profile at section 1, linearly distributed, axisymmetric velocity profile at section 2,  drag force, FD, exerted by the screen on the air, the outward unit normals, n1 and n2,  the diameter, d, of the circular duct,

and the positive X-axis.





Step 2

Write the equation for conservation of mass and simplify for known values.  Check for steady flow.  Use to find the velocity profile at section 2.


                           d/dt ∫ ρ dV  +  ∫ ρ Vn  dS   =   0

                                 cv            cs


Since the flow is steady (established flow)    d/dt ∫ ρ dV  = 0.



The flow crosses the control surface at sections 1 and 2.  So the second term becomes


                         ∫ ρ V1n1  dS1   +    ∫ ρ V2n2  dS2   =  0

                       cs1                           cs2


Now the uniform velocity profile at section 1 is    V1 i   and the unit outward normal  n1 = - i


                              So  V1n1  =  - V1        Also assume that  ρ = constant


So          ∫ ρ V1n1  dS1   =  - ρ V1 (π d2/4)



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