Dimensional Analysis   (Using the method of repeating variables)


Example:   Under certain conditions, wind blowing past a rectangular speed limit sign

Can cause the sign to oscillate with frequency, ω.  Assume that  ω  is a function of the

Sign width, b, sign height, h, wind velocity, V, air density, ρ, and an elastic constant, k,

for the supporting pole.  The constant, k, has the dimensions of  FL.  Develop a suitable

set of Pi terms for this application.



Identify variables governing the problem.  (Given in problem statement.)





List dimensions for each variable.  Pick  F,L, and T  since  dimensions of k are FL


ω →  1/T,  b → L,  h → L,  V → L/T,  ρ → M/L3 = FT2/L4,   k    FL


Note:  F=Ma  so  M = F/a  a → L/T2  Therefore  M → FT2/L


Number of dimensionless products (Pi terms) =  3     since

       number of variables =  6    number of dimensions =  3




Select the dependent variable and the repeating variables.


Dependent variable = ω,    Non-repeating variables:  h and k


Repeating variables:  b→L,  V→T,  ρ→F



Use the repeating variables to form dimensionless products by inspection.  i.e.

Use  b to eliminate the dimension of L, V to eliminate the dimension of T,

and ρ to eliminate the dimension of F.





Form the pi terms by inspection (appropriate multiplication and division of variables)


h/b→L/L = 1,  so  Pi1 = h/b,    ωb/V→(1/T)(L)(T/L) = 1  so Pi2 = ωb/V


k/ρV2b3 →(FL)/[ (FT2/L4)(L/T)2(L3) = 1    so  Pi3 = k/ρV2b3


Click here for this example using the method of exponents.     Click here for another example.

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