Euler's 1st and 2nd Laws



Example:  A frictionless pin at  A  supports a uniform bar AB of length L as shown in the figure

below.  C denotes the center of mass of the bar.  The bar is released from rest at an angle θ.

Find the support reactions at A at this instant.




Strategy:  The first step in applying Euler’s first and/or second law is to draw a free body diagram

to identify all forces acting on the bar as shown below.  Note:  et x en  =  k




Apply Euler’s first law       F  =  m aC    which results in


   (Ft + mg sinθ) et +  (Fn – mg cosθ) en  =  m [ act et   +  vC2en ]   Since the bar is released

   from rest  vC=  0 which gives     Ft + mg sinθ  =  m act     and   Fn – mg cosθ  =  0



Next apply Euler’s 2nd law in the form   MA  =  IzzA α  +  rAC x m aA    Now  |aA|  =  0   so


MA  =  IzzA α   for the bar  IzzA  =  (1/3) mL2    so      mg(L/2)sin θ k =  (1/3) mL2 α k



Thus     α  =  (3/2)(sin θ)(g/L) .   Next use kinematics to express  ac in terms of  α.

        aC = aA – (v2/ρ) en + α k  x (– L/2)en   Both  aA = 0  and   vC = 0  so   


aC =  (L/2) α et = (L/2)(3/2)(sin θ) (g/L)        so  Ft + mg sinθ  =  m [ (3/4) g sin θ ]


Solving for   Ft gives    Ft  =  (¾) mg sin θ – mg sinθ  = – ¼ mg sin θ  and   Fn = mg cosθ

Click here for another example.


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