Friction - -     Rigid Bodies in Translation (continued)






m = 4 kg        g = 10 m/sec2


P  =  10 N      μ = 1/4


θ  =  30o


Block starts from rest.


Case 2: Check for sliding in the + x direction.    


                                     Fx  =  m aCx ,      ˗ F ˗ mg sinθ  +  P cosθ  =  m aCx    (1)


and                                Fy  =  0                N  ˗ P sinθ  ˗ mg cosθ  =  0            (2)


From (2)                        N  =   P sinθ  +  mg cosθ   and for the data:  N  =  39.63  N


Also for sliding   F  =  μ N  =  9.91 N     Insert into eq (1)


          ˗  P sinθ  ˗  mg cosθ   ˗ mg sinθ  +  P cosθ   =  m aCx    


   and for the data:        aCx  =  ˗ 5.31 m/sec2     Since aCx  and   F  are in the same direction (˗ x)

   (they do not oppose each other), sliding up the incline does not occur.  Move on to Case 3.


Case 2: Check for sliding in the ˗ x direction.      (Note:  need a new free body diagram

showing friction acting in the + x direction as shown below).



                                     Fx  =  m aCx ,       F ˗ mg sinθ  +  P cosθ  =  m aCx    (1)


and as before  F = μ N  Solve for aCx  and use data:    aCx  =  ˗ 0.3523 m/sec2


Here   aCx   <  0   and  F  > 0  i.e. they are in opposite directions .


So the block will slide down the sloped surface with an acceleration    aCx  =  ˗ 0.3523  i  m/sec2


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