Linear Impulse/Momentum for Rigid Bodies in a Plane  (example continued)



Step 2:  Calculate the linear impulse acting on the body.


             t = 2          t = 2

                F dt  =   ∫ [ 4t cos θ) i + ( ˗ 4t sin θ + N ˗ mg ) j ] dt

             t = 0          t = 0


             t = 2          t = 2

                F dt  =   ∫ [ 4t cos θ) i dt  =  8 cos θ i  lb sec  =  4 √3  i  lb sec

             t = 0          t = 0


since the body is in equilibrium in the y-direction:    ˗ 8 sin θ + N ˗ mg  =  0




Step 3:  Calculate the change in linear momentum of the body.


         ( m vCx2 ˗ mvCx1) i  +   ( m vCy2 ˗ mvCy1) j   =   ( m vCx2 ) i  =   2 vCx2  i 


Note:  There is no change in the y˗component of linear momentum since the body is

in equilibrium in the y-direction and  mvCy1  =  0.



Finally set the linear  impulse equal to the change in linear momentum.


                       4 √3  i  =  2 vCx2  i 



So                      v2  =   2 √ 3 i      ft/sec               (result)




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