Open Channel Flow   Gradually Varied Flow


Example:   Water flows in a 5 ft wide rectangular channel with a flowrate of Q = 30 ft3/sec.  The

upstream depth of y1 = 2.5 ft as shown in the figure below.  Determine the flow depth and

surface elevation at section 2 with e = 0.2 ft.




Strategy:  Apply principles of conservation of mass, conservation of energy, and use the specific

energy diagram for interpretation of the flow results.


From conservation of mass  (steady, incompressible, uniform flow)    ρ1A1V1  =  ρ2A2V2 

and   A1V1 =  A2V2  =  Q    since  ρ = constant for incompressible fluid


A1 = (2.5)(5.0) = 12.5 ft2 ,    V1 = Q/ A1 =  30/12.5 =  2.4 ft/sec


A1 = 5y2  ft2   ,   V2 = Q/ A2 =  30/5y2  =  6/ y2  


From conservation of energy (steady, incompressible, uniform flow neglecting head loss due to

friction, hL)

                                y1  +  V12/2g + z1  =  y2  +  V22/2g + z2 


For the datum shown   z1  =  0   and  z2  =   e  = 0.2 ft  ,   y1  =  2.5 ft


So             2.5  +   (2.4)2/64.4 =  y2  +  (6/ y2 )2/64.4  +  0.2     


or after multiplication the cubic equation becomes:        y23 – 2.38944 y22 + 0.559006  =  0


Solution by trial and error results in two positive roots:  y2  =  2.28 ft   and   y2  =  0.55 ft


Next use the specific energy diagram to determine the depth and surface elevation downstream.


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