Open Channel Flow   Gradually Varied Flow  (Cont)


Example:   (continued)   (Use of Specific Energy Diagram)


  Recall      E  =  y  +  q2/2gy2   Now  q  =  Q/channel width  =  30/5  =  6 


    So          E  =  y  +  (36/64.4) y2  =   y  +  0.559/ y2     plotted in the figure below.




Starting at the upstream depth, y1 = 2.5 ft then the downstream depths are either

y2a = 2.28 ft   or   y2b = 0.55 ft.   The critical depth is determined from  yc = (q2/g)1/3 .

So  yc = (q2/g)1/3 =  (62/32.2)1/3 =  1.037 ft.      Emin  =  (3/2) yc =  1.56 ft .


Next examine the Froude numbers for the downstream depths.   Fr = V2/√gy2


For  y2  = y2a  =  2.28 , V2 = Q/A2  =  30/(2.28)(5) = 2.63 ft/sec   Fr  =  2.63/√(32.2)(2.28) = 0.31


For  y2 = y2b  =  0.55, V2 = Q/A2  =  30/(0.55)(5) = 10.91 ft/sec   Fr  =  10.91/√(32.2)(0.55) = 2.59


If  y2  =  y2b  =  0.55 is the correct downstream depth, then Fr  > 1.  But flow from station 1 to station 2b must stay on the constant q-line of q = 6 ft2/sec.  This result cannot occur without passing through the critical depth of   yc  = 1.037 ft.  So flow must proceed from depth y1 at station 1 to depth y2a at station 2a .  Result:  flow downstream flow depth = 2.28 ft and the

downstream free surface elevation  =  2.28 + 0.2  =  2.48 ft.


To analyze conditions for the downstream depth to reach y2b click here to continue.


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