Alternate Forms of Moment Equation (example continued)


Strategy (continued)


 Next apply Euler’s Second Law in the following form using point  A  for  P. 

Σ MP  =  (rPC x m aP)z + IPzz α  

Euler’s Second Law- Arbitrary Point P


Note:          aA = 0 i + 0 j



               Σ MA  =   IAzz α    Use   the parallel axis theorem   IAzz  =  ICzz + m(L/2)2 = 1/3 mL2






            MA  =  ( L/2 cosθ i  +  L/2 sinθ j) x (-W) j = - (LW/2) cosθ k  = [1/3 mL2] α k


So    α  =  - (3/2) (g/L) cos θ   Result:   α  =  - (3/2) (g/L) cos θ k


       α  =  /dt  =  (/)  (/dt)  =  ω /  =  - (3/2) (g/L) cos θ



Integration gives          ½ ω2  =  - (3/2) (g/L) sin θ + C   


Use the initial condition when θ = 90o  ω = 0.    C = (3/2) (g/L)


The result is       ω2  =  3g/L[1 - sin θ ]      So  ω  = - √ 3g/L[1 – sin θ] k  rad/sec



Strategy:   To find the pin reactions at A apply Euler’s First Law.


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