Alternate Forms of Moment Equation (example continued)







Strategy:  Apply Euler's First Law:


In scalar form:     Ax  =  maCx    and         Ay  ˗ W  =  maCy 


         Ax  =  ˗  (3/2) mg [ 1 – sin θ ] cos θ  +  (3/4) mg cos θ sin θ


         Ay ˗ W  =  ˗ (3/2)mg [ 1 ˗  sin θ ] sin θ  ˗ (3/4) mg cos2 θ          



When the rod is horizontal   θ = 0  so


        Ax  = ˗ (3/2) mg =  ˗ (3/2) W                                          (result)    


       Ay  ˗ W  =   ˗ (3/4) mg  =  W ˗ (3/4)W  =  (1/4) W         (result)




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