Kinematics of a Particle in a Plane  (using polar description)



Example:  Sally and John are using a rope (as shown below) to pull a box along the ground.  They

are able to move to the right at a speed of vrope.    Find the speed of the box in terms of  vrope  and  θ.




Strategy:  Apply the definition of velocity in polar coordinates and use a coordinate transformation

between  x˗y and r˗θ.



Solution:             vbox  =  vbox  i  =  dr/dt er +  r /dt  eθ              Here   dr/dt  =  vrope


Now relate  i  to  er  and  eθ  (coordinate transformation)






     i  =  er cos θ*  ˗  eθ sin θ*      where  θ*  =  π/2  ˗  θ   ;        i  =  er sin θ  ˗  eθ cos θ     


                 vbox (er sin θ  ˗  eθ cos θ )  =  dr/dt er +  r /dt  eθ    


So  vbox sin θ  =  dr/dt  =  vrope     and   finally    vbox  =  vrope csc θ     (result)



 Click here for the intrinsic description.


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