Pipeflow                        Click here for pipes in series and pipes in parallel.



Key Concepts:  Flow of a fluid in a pipe can be laminar, transitional, or turbulent.  The pipe

is assumed to be completely filled and  the fluid flowing in the pipe is assumed to be steady,

viscous, and incompressible.  Apply the principles of conservation of mass (continuity equation)

and conservation of energy apply to analyze pipe flow.



In a Nut Shell:   Pipe flow is a common way to transport fluid from one location to another. 

Filling your gas tank, supply of water from a water tower, plumbing in your home, and transport

of crude oil in Alaskan pipe lines are  just a few examples.


The chart below summarizes a few key elements for laminar and turbulent pipe flow.


Pipe Flow (Single Pipe)



Linear Shear Stress Distribution


Parabolic Velocity Profile



Pressure Drop proportional to length


∆p/(1/2 ρV2) =

(L/D) φ{Re, ε/D}


Mass flow at each section along

pipe is constant


Energy In + Net Work Rate =

Energy Out + Loss

( between sections )


Shear stress,   τ  =  w r/D


Velocity Profile,  u( r )  =  Vc [ 1 – (2r/D)2 ]


Newtonian model for shear stress gives

τ = - μ  du/dr


u( r )  =  [τw D / (4μ)] [ 1 – (r/R)2 ]

Q  =  [(πD4)/128 ] ∆P/μL



Friction and various fittings in

pipes results in energy loss.


Major loss occurs along a length of

pipe between sections.


Minor losses occur at elbows, tees,

valves, bends, etc


Further discussion follows.


Click here to continue discussion.

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