Relative Velocity and Acceleration with Translating and Rotating Frames



Strategy:  Obtain the relative acceleration equation by taking the time derivative of each term in

the relative velocity equation in the fixed frame, F      i.e.    vB  =   vA + vB|1  +  ω x rAB   


where      vB  is the velocity of point B with respect to the fixed frame  F

               vA  is the velocity of point A with respect to the fixed frame  F

             vB|1  is the velocity of  B with respect to A in x1y1 frame     

            ω x rAB  is the velocity of point B with respect to point A in the fixed frame  F

                 ω is the angular velocity of body 1 in the fixed frame  F


See the figure below.






The time derivative of each term in the fixed frame  F  is


                d vB /dt  =  d vA /dt + d vB|1 /dt  + d( ω x rAB ) /dt   



The last two terms on the right hand side become:


          d(vB|1) /dt  =  d(vB|1) /dt |1  +  ω x vB|1  =  aB|1  +  ω x vB|1 


          d( ω x rAB ) /dt    =  dω / dt x rAB  +  ω x d (rAB )/dt


       Now recall             d(rAB )/dt =  ω x rAB + vB|1  and    ω x d (rAB )/dt =  ω x (ω x rAB + vB|1 ) 



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