Kinematics of Relative Acceleration – Two points in the Same Rigid Link (Body)

(continuing discussion)



and finally              aC  =  aA  + dω/dt x rAC  ˗  ω2 rAC


which is the relative acceleration equation for two points, A and C, in the same rigid body





            vC  =    vA  +  ω x rAC   


          Relative Velocity Equation


         aC  =  aA  + dω/dt x rAC   ˗   ω2 rAC


         aC  =  aA  + α x rAC   ˗   ω2 rAC


          Relative Acceleration Equation




Meaning of terms


vC  is  velocity of point C with respect to the fixed frame F

vA  is  velocity of point A with respect to the fixed frame F

 ω is  the angular velocity of link B in frame F

 rAC is the position vector from A to C

 dvC /dt =  aC  is the acceleration of point C with respect to the fixed frame  F

 dvA /dt  = aA  is the acceleration of point A with respect to the fixed frame  F

dω/dt x rAC   is the tangential acceleration of C relative to A in frame F

 dω/dt =  α  is the angular acceleration of link B in frame

   - ω2 rac  is the normal acceleration of C relative to A in frame F

  ω  is the angular speed of link B in frame F



Click here for a discussion of strategy.      Click here for examples.


Click here for discussion of relative velocity and acceleration in translating and rotating

frames of reference.




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