Strategy in Calculating Mass Moment of Inertia          



In a Nut Shell:  Integration provides a method to calculate mass moment of inertia.


Recall Definition of Mass Moment of Inertia about an Arbitrary Point, A,   IAz,K 




       IAz,K  =    ∫ ∫ ρ  r2 dx dy  =  =    ∫ ∫  r2 dm




where  IAz,K  is the mass moment of inertia of the body about an arbitrary point, A

                 ρ  is the mass per unit area of the body  (mass density)

                 r  is the distance from the arbitrary point, A, to the element of mass,  dm

               dm equals  ρ dx dy

             dx dy is the element of area of the body


See the figure below.








Strategy:  1.  Show the element of area, dx dy and its location at (x,y).

                  2.  Calculate the element of mass, dm  =  ρ dx dy  where ρ = ρ(x,y)

                  3.  Calculate r2 :  r2  =  (x ˗ xA)2  +  (y ˗yA)2

                  4.  Set up integral:     ∫ ρ(x,y)   r2  dx dy  =    ∫ ρ(x,y)   [(x ˗ xA)2  +  (y ˗yA)2 ] dx dy 

                  5.  Determine limits of integration for  x  and  for  y.

                  6.  Evaluate the integral.



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