Summary -Important Principles (Impulse and Momentum)


Note:  The starting point for all problems in Kinetics is to draw a free body diagram to

identify all external forces and moments acting on the body and apply Euler’s First and

Second Laws.


Both of Euler’s laws can be integrated with respect to time to yield forms applicable when

the forces and/or moments are given in terms of time or for impact problems.


Integration of Euler’s first law

Σ F = m aC

Euler’s First Law


with respect to time yields the principle of linear impulse and momentum




∫ Σ F dt  =  m vc2  -  m vc1



Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum


The linear impulse acting on a body equals its change in linear momentum during the time of the impulse.  Here


  ∫ Σ F dt  = the linear impulse acting on the body from  t1 to  t2 



Σ F = Fx i + Fy j  =  sum of all external forces acting on the body in the x-y plane


m vc2  = linear momentum of body at time t2     and    vc2  =  vc2x i  +  vc2y j


m vc1  = linear momentum of body at time t1       and    vc1  =  vc1x i  +  vc1y j


note:  C  refers to the center of mass of the body


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