Summary -Important Principles (Impulse and Momentum)


Integration of Euler’s Second law


Σ MC = ICzz α

Euler’s Second Law


with respect to time yields the principle of angular impulse and momentum

 (Note rotational acceleration about z-axis.)




∫ Σ MC k dt  =  ICzz ω2 k -  ICzz ω1 k



Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum


The angular impulse acting on a body equals its change in angular momentum during the time

of the angular impulse.  Here



  ∫ Σ MC k dt  = the angular impulse acting on the body from  t1 to  t2 



Σ MC  = sum of moments of all external forces about the center of mass and all

              external couples


ICzz  =  mass moment of inertia of body about its mass center, C


ω2 = angular speed at time t2 ,   ω1 = angular speed at time t1  



Next consider the case where integration of Euler’s Laws are with respect to displacement.

The result will yield the principle of work and energy namely the work done by all forces and moments, actually doing work, equals the change in kinetic energy of the system.


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