Friction - -     Rigid Bodies in Translation and Rotation



Example:   A rigid disk of radius r = 4 m and mass m =  4 kg starts at rest on a horizontal surface

with a coefficient of friction  μ = 1/4.  Two forces P and D then act on the disk.  P  =  ˗ 5 i + j  N

and  D = 5 i + 20 j N.  Force P acts through the mass center, C.  Force D acts at point Q directly

to the right of C.  Find the acceleration of its center of mass, C, and its angular acceleration.



The first and most important step is to construct a complete and accurate free body diagram

of the disk.




First examine case 1  where the disk rolls without slipping.


          ΣF =  m acx               ˗ Px  ˗ F  + Dx  =  m   aCx                          (1)


          ΣF =  m acy =  0         N ˗ mg  + Py  +  Dy  =  0                         (2)


         ΣMC =  Ic α               ˗ F r  + Dy r  =  (1/2) m r2  α                     (3)


If the disk rolls without slipping,   aC =  aP  +  aC/P |n  +  aC/P |t  =  α k x r j  =  ˗ r α i      (4)


Since  ω = 0 (starts from rest) and both aP  +  aC/P |n  are zero.



By (4) and (1)      ˗ Px  ˗ F  + Dx  =   ˗ m r α          Known quantities are  Px  , Dx  , Dy


By (3)                    ˗ F  + Dy   =  (1/2) m r  α         Eliminate α and solve for F       


The result for the given data is that  F  =  13.3333 N



Next calculate N and  μ N = Fmax .   For the data  N   =  19 N    and Fmax  =  4.74 N


Since  F is needed to prevent sliding and Fmax is less than F, this case fails and the disk must roll

and slide.              Click here to continue with cases where the disk rolls and slides.



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