Kinematics of a Particle in a Plane (using intrinsic description)



Example: At time  to  the velocity vector and acceleration vector of a particle, P, are as shown in the figure below.  The speed of P  is  vP  =  2 ft/sec.  The magnitude of the acceleration of P is

 aP  =  40 ft/sec2, and  θ  =  30o.   Find the tangential component of acceleration, the normal component

of acceleration, and the radius of curvature of the path.







The velocity of P  is  vP  = vP et  =  2 et  ft/sec  since the velocity is always tangent to its path.

Here  et  is the unit tangential vector.  The acceleration vector,  aP, will have a normal and tangential component.  Consider the figure below where  en  is the unit normal vector and points toward the

center of curvature.





From the figure   aPt  =  ap cosθ  =  40 cos 30  =  34.6 ft/sec2  in the direction shown.

and                      aPn  =  ap sinθ  =  40 sin 30  =  20 ft/sec2  in the direction shown.


Now  aPn  =  v2   so  ρ = v2/ aPn  =  22 / 20  =  1/5 ft



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