Alternate Forms of Moment Equation



Example:   A smooth pin at A supports a uniform rod, AB, of length, L, and mass, m as shown

in the figure below.  The rod is released from rest when the angle is slightly less than 90o.

The mass moment of inertia of the rod about its mass center, IzzC = 1/3 mL2.



Find the angular acceleration of the rod as a function of the angle, θ.  Find the angular

velocity of the rod as a function of  θ.  Determine the pin reactions on the rod when the

rod is horizontal.  Apply Euler’s Second Law in the following form.

Σ MP  =  (rPC x m aP)z + IPzz α  

Euler’s Second Law- Arbitrary Point P








The first step in problems involving kinetics is constructing a free body diagram to identify

external forces and/or moments acting on the body, in this case the rod as in the FBD shown







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