Kinematics of a Particle in a Plane (using polar description)



Example:  Particle, P, starts in motion from the origin and moves along a path described by the

parabola shown in the figure below.  The constant x-component of velocity is dx/dt = 3 ft/sec.

Find the radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration of particle, P, at

the point where  (x,y) = (1,1).




Strategy:  First calculate the x and y components of velocity and acceleration of P at (1,1).

Then calculate the unit vectors in the radial and transverse directions.



Note:  dy/dt = 2x dx/dt  =  2(1)(3) = 6  and  d2y/dt2 =  2(dxdt)2 + 2x d2x/dt2  =  2(32) + 2(1)(0) = 18


                              vP = 3i + 6 j   ft/sec     and   aP = 18 j   ft/sec2



Start by showing the polar description  (r,θ) of  P as follows:    r  =  i + j  = √2 er



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