Kinetics - Body Translating in a Plane



Example:  (continued)                    d2x/dt2 =  2 d2y/dt2    or    aA  =  2aB



Now apply Euler’s 1st Law:    ΣF = ma         for Block A    → +


                                           T – μWA  = (WA/g) d2x/dt2   =  2(WA/g) d2y/dt2       (1)


ΣF = ma         for Block B    ↓ +

                                                                WB  –  2T   = (WB/g) d2y/dt2                (2)


Now   WB  =  4 WA     So                        4WA  –  2T   = (4WA/g) d2y/dt2            (3)



Combine (1) and (3) to eliminate T and solve for d2y/dt2 .  The result is:


                                        d2y/dt2  =  [ (2 – μ)/4 ] g


                                          d2x/dt2  =  2[ (2 – μ)/4 ] g



Integration gives:


                                        dy/dt  =  [ (2 – μ)/4 ] g t  + C1


                                           dx/dt  =  2[ (2 – μ)/4 ] g t + C2



Integration gives the velocities for each block.  Since both blocks start from rest the

constants of integration will both be zero.  So for  μ = Ό  and  t = 2 seconds


                             VA  =  (7/2)g     ft/sec                              (result)


and                        VB  =   (7/4)g    ft/sec                                (result)



Click here for another example.





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